
Pet Odor Removal From Carpets

I hate it when I come in a house and pet odor greets my fussy nose. You may not smell it because you are already used to it but your guests can, trust me! If you don't want your furry friend to spend lonely nights outside your house then you better learn how to remove pet odor. Since dogs and cats spend a lot of time laying and rolling on the floor, their body odors pervade into the fibers and that's where the whole problem starts. Not to mention the Networking smell of pet accidents! Speaking of pet accidents, obviously the very first thing that you have to do is to deal with it immediately. If your dog has urinated on your carpet, pat the area dry as soon as you can. The faster the urine is removed, the less damage it will create for your carpet. Pile on paper towels and then stand on them for about a minute or so, make sure to get as much off the carpet as possible. If you have a carpet cleaner or stain removal liquid go ahead and use that to remove discoloration. Cleaning supplies that are intended for pet odor removal are recommended for this job since they will have less of a chemical smell like ammonia. Ammonia plus urine doesn't smell good I'm telling you! Also, the smell of ammonia will keep attracting your pet to keep using the same spot. What about solid waste? Just picking up the solid waste and swiping at the stain isn't enough. Give the soiled area a good cleaning. Vinegar works great for this task, it also acts as a deodorizer because of its odor eliminating and anti-bacterial properties. You can also use a mild dish soap to remove the stain and freshen up the area. Once you are Tablet PC Accessories done removing the stain completely, rinse it by blotting with a damp white rag or paper towel. For thorough cleaning, you can use a wet vacuum or Bissel. These special vacuums work like traditional ones except they use clean water Wholesale to get rid of the stains and then the dirty water is sucked back up into a reserve bucket. Lastly, use a neutralizing or pet odor eliminating spray Wholesale Nail Art to keep things fresh in between vacuuming or cleaning. You can also try sprinkling pet odor carpet powder before vacuuming to remove unwanted odors. I've tried it and the carpet is really odor-free within minutes!

